Sigma Medicare


”SIGMA MEDICARE” is seeking some vacancies to help its team to take the performance to the next level. Attracting new employees, we plan to expand the geography of our activities.

Please e-mail your CV and Cover Letter (Recommendation Letter will be a plus) to

No information inquiries will be handled over the phone. Only short-listed candidates will be called for an interview.

TITLE: Export Marketing Specialist

TERM: Full time

DURATION: Long term

LOCATION: Yerevan, Armenia



  • Tracking the range of products for each country, recommendations for change.

  • Development of the assortent matrix for each distribution channel in each country.

  • Development and organization of promotional activities in various marketing channels.

  • Creation and maintenance of promotional plans for the year, for each channel and key customers.

  • Interaction with suppliers and manufacturers of promotional materials, tracking the cost of production, budget management.



  • University degree in Marketing (or related fields).

  • At least 2 year of experience in the field of Export Marketing.

  • Ready for frequent business trips (Georgia, Russia).

  • Knowledge of the market sales of these countries (distribution channels and key customers) will be an advantage.

  • Excellent knowledge of Russian and English languages.

  • Excellent skills in Word and Excel.

  • Strong communication skills.

  • Analytical mind, proactivity, mobility.

TITLE: Export Marketing Specialist

TERM: Full time

DURATION: Long term

LOCATION: Yerevan, Armenia



  • Tracking the range of products for each country, recommendations for change.

  • Development of the assortent matrix for each distribution channel in each country.

  • Development and organization of promotional activities in various marketing channels.

  • Creation and maintenance of promotional plans for the year, for each channel and key customers.

  • Interaction with suppliers and manufacturers of promotional materials, tracking the cost of production, budget management.



  • University degree in Marketing (or related fields).

  • At least 2 year of experience in the field of Export Marketing.

  • Ready for frequent business trips (Georgia, Russia).

  • Knowledge of the market sales of these countries (distribution channels and key customers) will be an advantage.

  • Excellent knowledge of Russian and English languages.

  • Excellent skills in Word and Excel.

  • Strong communication skills.

  • Analytical mind, proactivity, mobility.